A religious debate - or - What not to talk about over Thanksgiving

I went over to my in-laws for thanksgiving and had the obligatory dinner (in case you're reading -- it was cooked really great! The turkey was nice and juicy!)That being said after dinner we started to do what a lot of families seems to do: talk politics, economics and religion.One of En's uncles is very religious. Like I said in the past, I don't mind folks that are religious; everyone needs to find their own path through life and do their best to get to the goal they set for themselves.The funny thing is that both of us started off at the same place: Catholicism. From there we took the next step: getting frustrated at how things are being run.At that point we diverged.He went down the path of trying to change it. I, on the other hand, thought that things were so far gone that it's beyond saving. His angle in easy enough to argue: you can effect change easier on the inside than on the outside.My though (of course I was only able to articulate it after getting home) is that the corruption is so far into the core that it's self sustaining. The notion of papal infallibility underscores the point: that the church is so loth to admit that they make a mistake that they declare themselves correct by fiat. Once you go down the slippery slope, all you do is surround yourself with yes-men to reinforce your own beliefs.Other than me becoming pope, I don't think I can make the change happen. Any change.Much to the surprise of my mother-in-law, it didn't degenerate to blows! No, really we were on the same page with our views.  :-)


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