New Callsign: AC8FS -> NG8B (hopefully)

I finally pulled the trigger on a new "vanity" call sign. I wanted a short call - 4 letters is the shortest a regular station can get. Ideally it would have some combination of "G," "B," and "V." The "G" is for "George" obviously. "B" for "Burgyan." "V" for "Vector." (Hence number in the call is your home district. It only really matters for systematic callsigns that the FCC assigns. If you want a vanity sign you can get one in any district as long as it doesn't contravene other rules. (There's some geographically restricted ones for things like the minor islands and Alaska)Yesterday I applied for "NG8B." It's been available since August with whoever had it last letting it expire.Having four letters means I'm an Amateur Extra which I'm proud of. Actually AC8FS meant the same thing since only an extra can get something with an "A." The problem with it is that it's hard to hear on the air. I always had to tack on "foxtrot sierra" to let people know what my sign was.Hopefully soon I'll get that granted and I'll be "november golf eight bravo."


Pissed at the new (almost) Ohio governor - OEPA, ODNR


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