Mending the George - Part 4

On his way to recovery! 3:15 p.m. Dr. Krahe came out to update me. In his words, everything went "perfect". Unfortunately they did end up having to open him up, so he'll be here overnight, and recovery will likely be longer.So far I know no shower for 4 days (good thing I have bathing wipes from camping!), he should be able to put his foot down tomorrow, and he'll start feeling significantly better in just a couple of days, BUT he MUST use crutches for 4-6 weeks.No long term physical therapy required, but I really do want someone to tell me what he can do to aid his recovery. We want him better! Faster! Stronger! Yaaaaaaa!!!xoEn


Mending the George -Part 5


Mending the George - Part 3 1/2