2012: A Look Ahead

Day one of a new year.It's nothing incredibly special if you look at the big scheme of things. It's a day like any other. The odometer of the calendar just happened to roll over to a bigger number.But it still carries some significance.It's the middle of winter. This is a chance to plan ahead for things to do when the weather gets better.Ennie and I want to take a trip east this year on the bike. I'm thinking going back to Newfoundland and visiting St. John in Newfoundland again. Maybe we can catch a break in the weather and look at Ft. Point with bluer skies.Then there is the other things to do. We need to finally finish the deck. It's been stalled at 95% done for years now. We need to get the railings and stairs built and some trim work around the tub needs to be tidied up.Personally I want to stretch my own limits a bit more. This has been a long process that I've hinted at in the past. I need to keep that train going.Beyond that... I don't really know. There's the common crap of "lose weight" and its counterpart "eat better and exercise." No problem: it's on my list.Like I was saying yesterday -- I want to be the one in control of my own destiny this year. I think I can do it for the most part.


Ink Review: Iroshizuku Kon-Peki


2011: A Look Back