Teardown Tuesday: Typewriter

:-)I didn't tear it down to screws and bolts because I don't like to really break something that does something correctly and, in this case, somewhat uniquely.It brought back some memories. This was En's old typewriter. It had the more advanced daisy-wheel instead of the arms with letters on them. My old machine was old-school. If you screwed up you got yourself a jam.This is all microprocessor controlled.But it's still old-school.There's something satisfying about pressing a button and making a loud bang and leave a mark on paper. (Hmmm... reminds me of shooting)[smugmug url="http://photos.vec.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=gallery&Data=21377992_jfV7Rh&format=rss200" imagecount="100" start="1" num="100" thumbsize="Th" link="smugmug-lightbox" captions="false" sort="false" window="true" smugmug="true" size="L"]


Coding Antipattern - Part 1

