The EU porn ban propsal

I'll lead off by saying that proposed laws banning porn in the EU were thankfully voted down today.This was a bit of legislation that was stuffed into a bigger thing trying to "stamp out gender stereotypes."The crux of the proposal is that "porn takes advantage of women and causes men to think of them differently."Huh?To make the assumption that woman don't have the agency to make their own choices is itself demeaning. To then force them to not be able to do what they might want to is tyrannical if no one is being hurt by it.To insist that "it's for your own protection" is no different than certain countries saying you need to wear a burka for your own protection.If it's truly violent porn you're after, you still have to ask the participants about it. Just because it's not your kink doesn't mean it should be banned. Just because you don't like getting flogged and can't conceive of anyone wanting that doesn't mean your ideas have any connection to reality. What consenting adults do privately or in front of a camera should not be your concern; if you don't like it, don't watch it.If the problem is inequality, address the real problem. Don't do something just because it furthers your own personal agenda and makes you look like you're doing something.


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