Making movies -- how you watch them

I got a Garmin VIRB a few weeks back and took a bunch of video when we went on out camping trip last weekend.I also subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud so in addition to all the photo and audio stuff I've been using, I also have access to a shit-ton of video editing as well. I've been trying to learn Adobe Premier over the past week or so to piece things together. Honestly, in many ways this is attacking a small problem with a really big hammer... but so it goes.The thing is that last night Ennie and I watched a movie, The Grand Budapest Hotel, and I couldn't stop thinking about editing movies.In many ways, knowing how the sausage is made in many ways makes it even better.No, of course I'm not a film-maker... I know that. But having a bit of insight into the inner workings of how movies get made is pretty damn awesome. Like one of the stupid things I learned is film time measurement -- there's the normal timecode, minutes, seconds and frames and so forth, but there's another common one: feet and frames. When editing, a scene is measured by how long it is in terms of feet of film. 16 frames per foot. Or around 11 minutes for 1000 feet of film.Oh, in case you were wondering, I think it's a great movie. It wasn't what I was expecting -- and it had some twists and turns that I would never have guessed. I had fun!


WordPress on Amazon EC2 – Part 11– Care and feeding (backups mainly)


WordPress on Amazon EC2 – Part 10 – Benchmarks