Service - Streamliner Diner - A review

En and I went to Bainbridge Island for a bit of a get-away. Hopping off the ferry we looked for some place to get a bite to eat. Right into town we found the Streamliner Diner.Walking in we got seated at the counter right away.Then we sat there.Ignored.Normally you get water or something when you sit down.Nope.Drink order?Not this time.We at least got menus.The menus remained when we walked out around ten to fifteen minutes later.We didn't even got stopped walking out the door asking us to stay.

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This is a Friday night. This should be a busy night.On the other side of the counter was the kitchen.This place has a six-burner stove. There were minutes that went by as we watched them have nothing on the stove except for the pot of perpetually boiling water.On the busy night when you, as a chef, should be thinking of nothing except turning tables.The the wait staff trying to at least cover for a slow kitchen or something.Nope.Slow and miserable.The food might be good. I wasn't going to grow old waiting for it though.




Summertime trip