Small world; Release Notes; Connections; Purple

Today I got to work and started up my laptop like normal.One of the programs I have had an update.
LaunchBar 6.0.2 (6015)
New Features

The “Enter Color” action now supports rebeccapurple (in honor of Rebecca Meyer).Added support for Safari History indexing on OS X Yosemite.Added “Encode to Base64” and “Decode as Base64” string transformation actions.⌥-Escape can now be used to end sub-search without closing the item list.The Small theme is now attached to the menubar by default. Of course, you can still move it to wherever you like it to be.

I took a moment to look at it.Rebecca was the daughter of a friend of mine. Eric Meyer was my co-worker when we were at Cyberspace Construction Company and NetForce. At the time he was also the webmaster for Case Western Reserve University.To have to loop completed by release notes is jarring to say the very least.There's a lot more out there as well. My favorite piece was from the Economist - Digital remembrance - The colour purple.Again... small world.Rebecca now has a CSS color. One of only a few -- less than 200 from all the 16 million possible ones. All of the browsers are implementing it as well.rebeccapurpleToday, even though it's a bit late for the purple day, this post is purple in remembrance.


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