Processing speed

I was running the warp stabilizer on a four-minute video clip (complete with synthesize extra) and holy crap does it show my hardware's age.When I start a process and the end result is on the order of an hour of processing for a minute of end result... I'm starting to question my hardware. I'm presently running a high-end 2013 iMac. A 2013 iMac isn't the pinnacle of tech any more.I think I'll have to wait for the new hardware that's seeming on the cusp of being announced. Either that or just make sure I have better source footage.

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That actually reminds me of the idea that getting properly recorded source really simplifies the processing. When you have good and stable video and consistent audio the processing is such a breeze. Sure, you might need to do some grading, but it's tweaks as opposed to wholesale processing.More on the audio in the next couple days.  :-D




The draw of B&W