Greenwood Rising


l1001387It's been half a year since the big gas explosion that happened just a few blocks from my house. Half a year exactly in fact.Greenwood has had a long history of needing to rebuild. Back a decade or so there was the Greenwood firebug that started burning things down around the Greenwood Ave. and 85th St. intersection. The holes in the neighborhood are finally closing for those. Even with that one of the buildings that burnt down never came back at all, it's just an outdoor seating are for Naked City Brewery.There are murals on the walls surrounding it paying homage to the blues club that had been there before.The adjoining wall has a phoenix.We need another one.And we're getting it.All but a few of the businesses that were affected are open again. The Space Travel Supply and the neighboring Angry Beaver are finally up and running again as well. They had been directly across from the blast, and other than the buildings that were actually blown up, they bore most of the remaining brunt of the blast.l1001396I'm proud of us. 


Getting Things Done


Seattle Bettie