The office shuffle

When my group moved to the building I'm in right now, Amelia, I had a desk kind of by myself in our pod. Life was good. Then, as we hired more people, someone moved in next to me -- and that was a disaster for me -- I had my back to a wall, like right up against the wall, and there was my neighbor who had to squeeze by any time he wanted to get out. Or the constant talking over me. After some time of this, I managed to move to be by a window. Life was good again.Yesterday we had a new arrival (well, a boomerang from someone who was on our team before) and he came back with his cute pupper Katie. No problem.Except there's someone across the aisle who's allergic.Thus began the shuffle.

  • I moved to where someone moved out from my new team.
  • The desk from that location is moving to Kevin's spot (who now has a standing desk).
  • That desk moves to the team room.
  • Martin will move to my old spot by the window (and fresh air).
  • Jatin will move to Martin's old spot.
  • Sudeep will move to Jatin's previous location.

One move prompted a full reshuffle.In the end I think we're actually in a better spot as a team, despite the fact I lost my window. I'm with my new team and Martin's not going to be suffering. Everyone will have found a new local minima.


Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?


110-year-old wood