Becoming me

So many of the things that are me seem to be made up of accidents and fate. All I have to do is think of alternate scenarios for my life to see the huge changes that could be me, with just little prods here and there.

I could have stayed at Benedictine high school and not met the people that pushed me towards computers hard core.

I could have stayed in college. Who knows what that may have brought — good or bad.

I could have stayed in Solon when I got an offer to move to Seattle to join Amazon.

I could have switched teams at Amazon a couple of years before I left. I may well be in Seattle now if that happened.

But where I am now I’m happy with. I’m happy I’m not in Seattle (though missing people there for sure). I’m happy I was at Amazon — I have the money to pay back my mom thanks to some stock I collected along the way.

And I’m here in Nashville.

I’m missing my peeps... but I’m here waiting for this to blow over.

I’m here from all the things — good and bad — that have happened over the years. And all of that made me.




Eating “out”