Appalachian Trip – Day 7 Pictures (finally!)

As the weather is finally warming up I realized that I never posted the last day of pictures from the trip last summer. Doh!The final day of the trip wasn't really supposed to be the final day, but that's the way it turned out. We were going to ride on the "Tail of the Dragon," but that road had been closed due to some land slides earlier and they were busy fixing things up.With that road closed we faced a choice: circumnavigate the park one last time or head for home. We figured that just going around the park for the hell of it wouldn't really lead to a whole lot more adventure so we got on the highway and headed back north.It was a long haul up to Cleveland, but we soldiered on with the help of some Red Bull and Snickers bars. Yaay sugar rush!The treat at the end of the road: Mexican!
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A buttload


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