X-Day 2011 - Prologue

We're getting more and more efficient with the whole prep thing... everything is neatly stowed in a bunch of Rubbermaid boxes in the basement and all it took was to drag them upstairs.We're even getting getter with the food. With the motorcycle travel that we've done we're now lower maintenance as well. Just throw some stuff together at the last minute and make sure you have spices. ;-) Much to Ennie's chagrin I've also packed some Spam. We also have eggs so we have have spam and eggs...And let's not forget about the pancakes...This year it's non-scheduled before the X-ists pick us up so you know you'll be able to get your slackjacks while still on this lowly planet.See you there!


X-Day - Day 1


At least my house didn't burn down...