Love and Rockets

Not the band... more like the things.Yesterday my buddy John wanted to shoot up some model rockets with his son. I knew of a few places that might work for such an endeavor so they invited me along.At first we tried the old polo field in the Metroparks, but there was a ranger parker out there looking for speeders. None of us wanted to push our luck.Then there was the Solon Airport (Harper Ridge Field). No, it's not an airport any more, but you can still make out the runway. But the parking lot next to it was closed.Ok...We were about to give up when I though about River Road Park in Bainbridge. I was expecting tons on people there, but there wasn't anyone else out there.Rockets ensued.:-D[smugmug url="" imagecount="100" start="1" num="100" thumbsize="Th" link="lightbox" captions="false" sort="true" window="true" smugmug="true" size="L"]


W8DFL QSL Cards - 9/5/2011


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