CCW - Part 1

En and I are taking a concealed carry course today and tomorrow.It's being taught by a couple of cops who used to be partners a few years ago: Vini and Bobby. They used to be together working on the RTA police force. One of them has since retired from one force and is working at another one.Vini is more a beat cop and has all the stories about the past 30 years he's been on the force. Bobby seems more like the formal trainer. He still works for the RTA but he's been training folks at the police academy and does things like SWAT and sniper training as well; you can tell by his draw that he's been doing this for a while.But back to the point -- obviously the first question is "Why? Why the hell do George and Ennie want to get their concealed carry permit?"The simple reason is that going back and forth to the range can be easier. Right now we have to put some things in the trunk and other stuff in the back seat. Ammunition and guns need to be kept separate enough and I don't want to be taking chances that some configuration might be considered "loaded" and get in trouble for it.Beyond that though the class is worthwhile.First off we're going through the CCW manual. Really knowing the gravity of what you're dealing with and the laws surrounding it is good to know even if you never have to think about picking up a gun in anger. About half the book is all about the use of deadly force -- the what's and how's of the issue.Having the cops up front that actively deal with it on a daily basis makes things real. Vini has been there. Really.At this point we're 2/3's done with the class. Four hours remain tomorrow. We'll be getting some range time to prove we know how to work these things.Oh, did I mention that this is all taking place at En's coworker's house? They have their own range in the back yard. How frickin' cool is that?!But having a neat little mouse gun would be cool too...


Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Fall 2011


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