Teardown Tuesday: GAP Titan Antenna

I wish I had a better thing to do a teardown today, but today's victim was the big antenna in the back yard. I'm figuring that the next owner is likely not a ham so the antenna will do nothing but cause annoyance.Of course I can't just let the movers move it since they wouldn't have a frickin' clue WTF to do with it. It's not something you can just throw in a truck without something snapping and breaking on it.When you read instructions on maintenance of machines you typically have something that goes like "take off parts a, b, and c, then remove the pin holding d, finally unbolt part e. assembly is the reverse.In this case it was turned around. I had the instructions to put it together from last year. Disassembly is starting from the end.I didn't do. It completely. I didn't want to cut off the PL259 from the end... But I did figure a way of getting the whole assembly to accordion up around the cord. Sweet!A few dozen screws later and a mess of zip ties, I have something that can be safely packed. Two bundles of tubes and a zip-lock with parts.I love zip ties.They might be better than duct tape.


Deck construction


W8DFL QSL Cards - 4/23/2012