This Too Shall Pass

Last night I was planning on writing this post on staying positive and looking at the bright side even when things look bleak. Simply believing that the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train can help you continue on.Today I get home and look at the packet that arrived today in the mail from the bank.Somehow, based on the initial reading of the the Good Faith Estimate, we're going to be on the hook for $20K more at closing than we had been told.Commence stress, angst and handwringing.$20,000 is a fucking fuckload of cash.Shortly thereafter En's phone rings. It's the bank."...yes. we're married..."Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. ??We're almost a month in and they are asking something like that?!", we're not closing on the 28th... the documents say the 26th... where did you get the later date?"Deep breath.How Ennie kept her cool on the phone I may never know.

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Remember the post.Don't let yourself get away.This too shall pass, George.

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Well, most of the total is explainable. Based on my reading of the laws there's a transfer tax that's the responsibility of the seller. Some is escrow. Some seems optional.This too shall pass.



