On School Violence

I found an interesting article written by a police office, documenting a seminar he did.The article is all about denial.The gist of the article is that as a society we don't look at school violence like we look at other threats like fire. For fires you have fire drills, sprinklers, built-in fire hoses, everything is built so it doesn't burn.On the violence end?Not much. The security typically doesn't even carry a weapon. Why? Because if you have a police officer with a gun you admit that violence might happen.But isn't that just like a sprinkler system? It's admission that a fire might happen.You can't legislate violence. Violence, unfortunately, is part of humanity. What you do is prepare for it and know how to react. And on top of that have the right people in place to react if the need arises.


The Panic


Leak under the porch