Inky Thoughts

I have a bunch of ink.I have fountain pens and the next thought that comes to mind with a pen is the ink that you write with.Most people are content with a blue, or perhaps black, Bic. Maybe if they are correcting a red pen rounds out the mix. A pencil maybe for the math geeks out there.Why have so many inks?They each have a flavor of their own. Some are better behaved than others on crappy paper. Some have some cool shading. Some are quite resistant to tampering. Beyond all that, they all have different color -- obviously. Some write wet from a pen, some are dryer. Some get affected by skin oils on the page more than others. Maybe some are really an iron gall ink instead of due-based inks. Or maybe it's a pigment?Sure, you can say "blue."But what color blue are you talking about? Sky blue? Sea blue? Royal blue? Or some other blue I can't quote name? I think I can count something like 17 different blue inks. All different. All, nominally, blue.Or green? Or red? Or brown?Hell, even black can have different feels.A different feel on the paper. Even a different feel from the pen.Oh, and as the ever geeky guy I happen to be, I even have a spreadsheet of the inks. <eyeroll/>I think I should restart my regular reviews of inks soon.  :-) 


Fun Times

