
For a while now Ennie and I haven't done any geocaching. I don't really know why we've not gone out, but that's the unfortunate truth.Today we nabbed 5 of 7 in Carkeek Park.If you've never geocached before it's basically a treasure hunt that's keyed off your GPS. In the old days when GPS was still new (think: Gulf War I) the tech wasn't nearly as advanced as it is now and just about all the devices would tell you was the latitude and longitude of where you happened to be (Oh, and it was also less precise than now due to the selective availability that lowered non-military accuracy). They were cool, but mostly useless.People got them anyway.Then wondered what to do with them.A geocache is a thing, usually small tupperware style containers, that you find. It's hidden somewhere and the location is published.Then you find it and add your name to the list and congratulate yourself for a job well done. In the end it's an excuse to get outside.

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The geocache we set was ignored for a few months. No one visited.In the last two days two people got to it.It's something that makes me an En smile a bit.  :-)




Nervous Anticipation