Stuff from China

I have a need for some surface mount photo boards. As I'm getting more and more into the design stuff I'm realizing that all (well, most) of the new parts don't come in DIP packages.That leaves me SMD parts.At this point I'm not geared up to make my own boards so I'm stuck with getting SMD photo boards.I can buy some Schmartboards from Fry's, but that can get expensive. Not to mention that the last time I went over there the board I needed wasn't on the shelf.So, what's the next best thing?eBay from China.I ordered up a mess of stuff from all corners of China.Little SMD breakout boards. For the price of 3 packs of boards from Fry's (9 boards) I have around 200 on the way from China.The downside: slow. I can't just ride across the bridge to pick something up. So I ordered stuff I'll need in the future.Because cheap.


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