Challenging learning

For the past many months I've been slowly working my way through The Art of Electronics.It's interesting because I can only wind up getting a few pages done a day out of the 1200 page book. I was talking to a co-worker today about it and I'm realizing that the chapter I'm reading now likely has few applications for me. But I can't stop reading it and simply learning about noise.Noise. The electronic type.The parts of physics that you just can't get away from because they are just present in nature.Nothing that I typically wind up doing has anything that gets into the realm of nV/√Hz let alone less than that. But it's interesting none-the-less to look at what it takes to design circuits like that.Even if I'll never do it myself, it's fascinating to get more in touch with the physical world that we live in and how it operates.That said, once I'm done with chapter eight, I think the rest will be much easier. I already grok digital.  :-)


The camera you don't have


Kitty Containment