Security - Part 1

Nothing ensures that you don't need something than having purchased the things you would need to fix problems.My intent going into installing the Ring doorbell was to use a spade bit to go a bit into the frame, then angle into the stud cavity.Today I got lucky.I drilled a 1-inch hole behind where the Ring lives now. I was expecting to need to drill at an angle to get to the cavity, but a bit of surprise later I nicked the cavity on my first hole. Then I was going to need to drill some more holes in the porch crawlspace... I took out the switch who's feed I was stealing from... It was screwed into a stub which I wasn't expecting. I was able to see the hole from the inside.I was able to pull a replacement run of both the Romex as well as the wire for the Ring at once. No additional holes needed! Like, holy crap!I did need to carve out an access hole in the crawlspace, but whatever... it's nothing that you can see from the outside.Step one is complete. At least we now have a video feed from the front. Up next week: three more cameras.And an added bonus: I'm doing the work myself... and I'm saving around $3000 for the electrical, not counting the cameras.It's just annoying that everyone has to do this to make up for the fact that the Seattle Police don't do shit to combat the property crime epidemic here.


Done, again

