This was likely the weirdest year of my life, certainly the one with the most change.

I started off working at Amazon, until the middle of January. Then, the very next day, we were on a flight to Nashville to see what house we could buy. Less than five days after I walked out of Amazon for the last time we had a signed offer in our hands.

We bought a house.

The next couple of months was spent prepping the house for sale, which never happened, then packing up and driving across the country with Jackie and a trailer in tow to our new house. Ennie would catch up the next day after flying with the kitties.

After that Ennie got a job and I was working on the house. I was also getting over burnout.

Ennie's job sucked. Bad.

And the house wasn't selling despite lowering the price by a lot.

Switching gears we decided to ren the place out.

Then I got a message from a former manager of mine. Within a month of so I had gotten a new job: working remotely for a company in San Francisco.

Ennie quit her job the next day.

And the house got rented just about the same time.

And the new house and the are we're in is a joy to live. So much calmer than where we had been.

Now we've come to the end of the year and we're still here, happy and healthy. And what more can you really ask for?


Shelby Bottoms - Jan 1 2020


Four months