
I've been doing cycling for as long as I can remember. For some reason I've always had somewhat of a masochistic tendency with hills -- again, for as long as I can remember.Today I did one of my classic training rides (well, almost classic for me -- Bainbridge has some construction so I took the long way).
View Ride 4/23/2011 in a larger mapIn total it worked out to be a bit over 40 miles (65km). F#cking head-wind the whole way back though. :pain:Jen has a new bike too. Finally we have a road bike under her. You can say it's dumb to get a carbon bike, but I can tell you wholeheartedly that carbon bikes simply ride smoother. If that's what it takes to get you to ride more... well I consider it a small price to pay. More on that bike later. It's a beauty though! :-DGoal for the summer: ride a century. I don't think I'm that far off now if I were to do it on flat land as opposed to the hills.


Sanity for today (and tomorrow... and the day after...)


Happy (belated) Birthday Blog!