Evil scary black rifles

Ahh yes, the "evil scary black rifle" club. I am now a member of that club.What you are looking at is a Colt 6920LE chambered for the venerable 5.56 NATO cartridge. Yes, it's the "law enforcement" model which is only law enforcement based on the roll-mark by the serial number. It's just about the same as my father-in-law's in the force back in Ohio.Me signing the form to transfer it to me more than doubled its value in the present market.So, the question is: "why?"A large part of it is "why not." A bigger part is a middle finger to any potential upcoming laws -- if you say I can't have one, I'll get one to spite you. But I am a law abiding citizen so I'll need to get it before it's illegal. (Note the not-so-subtle hint that if I wasn't law abiding I could get one regardless of those pesky laws)Until now I didn't have a "modern" rifle -- if you could even call the AR-15 "modern." My other rifle was patterned on the M1 Carbine which served as a rear echelon rifle in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. The AR-15 was deployed in 1958 -- over 50 years ago -- so it stretches the term modern. Besides, .223 / 5.56 is a lot easier to get than .30 Carbine.So, it's a rifle, no argument there. It happens to be anodized black, again I agree. How, precisely does it make it evil? Because it has the potential to be used for evil? While most guns have been designed to be used in combat (including things black powder muskets), no bullet that has left my barrel has ever ended a life of any kind. (Admittedly, there could have been some bacteria in the barrel that were summarily obliterated) I've never even hunted yet.Is it scary? Not really. No more scary than any rifle. I was more scared prying apart a pair of strong magnets today than I was of the rifle. (Maybe a teardown is due for for the magnets?) The rifle just sits there. It doesn't do anything unless I load ammunition into it. And I pull the trigger. Otherwise, it's just a hunk of metal and plastic. I guarantee it'll never jump at you and bite you if you're not playing with it. I'm actually kinda surprised how small it seems to be.So, why do I have it? Why am I posing with it smiling?To show that I have it. Most of you know me as non-evil. (If you know me as evil I'd honestly like to know why) The rifle is a tool to be used. How it is used is up to me. (Yes, it's locked in a safe as I'm typing this)I choose not to use it for evil.


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