SoCal Backwardness and Stupid Questions

Grrr... this is just my experience in the past two hours driving to the airport and getting to the gate. This is a rant. You may as well skip it.So, driving from Newport Beach to John Wayne Airport in my rental I needed to get gas for my rental car. The first station I pulled up to didn't have card readers on the pumps. Strange. Even in the boonies I found card readers. I go in to the office. Either cash -- up front -- or a credit card with a $2.50 up-charge (which I think it's against the rules anyway)Screw that.Ok, next station.Card declined at the reader... huh? Ok some fraud detect or something. Into the office."How much do you want to put in?""A full tank.""So how much? $50? $60?""It's a rental I don't know. A full tank.""...?""I don't care. $60."Why ask?Grrr...Like I said... just a rant.


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