
Ennie and I went to a party last night... when we first walked in they were showing us around and pointing out all the clocks in every room.Clocks.Why clocks?Because this was a party that cell phones were strictly forbidden. For realsies.I had two thoughts at the same time. The first was something along the lines of "Sweet! I have clock on my wrist! It's called a watch!"The second thing was something along the lines of "I've had this conversation with Ennie a while back..."

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What's the commonest use of a cell phone now? Calling someone? Pa-leeze!? Candy Crush? Nope.It's checking the freaking time.We were talking about the ill-fated Fire Phone with it's 3D head tracking. It has a feature that the time doesn't show up on the home screen until you "peek" at it by tilting the phone. Hiding the most important part of a phone in any circumstance borders on insanity. It's one of the hoary symptoms that is endemic to the design of the phone.

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The party was fun.

No phones. Barely clocks or watches.

I'll tell you when you're older...




Product names... "Deadkitten" ?!