Dry Run (cooking)

A while back we got a nice dehydrator. We used it to make jerky a number of times but since I've been cutting back on the whole eating thing that took a back seat.You know by now that Ennie and I are planning a trip in the summer, just a few months away. While we were re-buying much of our camping stuff we also decided to see if we couldn't make things smaller.This was the other reason we picked up a dehydrator -- make food small.A couple weeks back we decided to try making some camping food. In this case a simple dried tomato sauce.An entire jar of tomato sauce in 90g -- just over 3 oz.We took about half of that tonight and rehydrated it with some water to make one of our camping staples: spaghetti.Damn.Tasted great!And a ziplock of dried sauce can't break and it's a lot harder for it to go bad.Win!Now to try to dry other things as well... there's something awesome about settling in for the night with some good hot food.Especially if you made it yourself.  :-)


Working... out

